Monday, July 10, 2006

Reeeeed Robin! (Yum.)

When our relationship was just a tiny seedling (and nobody knew about it), The Boyfriend and I wouldn't really go on official dates. I'd visit him at tennis practice and make all the other boys jealous; I'd go to his football games (he was a sexy trombone in the pep band); I'd hang out with him whenever I could. Usually I'd make something up for my parents so they wouldn't suspect that I was dating him (I'm not sure why it was so important for me to keep it a secret now), like I was hanging out with a bigger group and he just happened to be a member of the group.

One such occasion I remember pretty clearly, in September...I don't remember what we were doing during the day, but when it got dark, The Boyfriend and I got hungry, and we went to Red Robin to grab a bite. The place was packed, so we put our names on the list and went back to the car to wait for fifteen minutes.

The back seats of his car folded down, so we lay in the back and spooned (he kept blowing my hair out of his mouth) and talked. I discovered that I could give him goosebumps by running my fingers lightly up and down his arms and ribs. I was also experimenting with grinding my ass against his groin, trying to get a rise out of him. He'd scoot away, and I'd pout. The windows fogged up, and we used our fingers and toes to draw designs.

Fifteen minutes came and went.

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