Sunday, July 23, 2006


Back! Back, you sons of bitches!

So, in my ponderings about which sort of birth control I should use in lieu of condoms when I'm married (since I don't want to have children for a while, but condoms suck), I asked my mother, of all people. We talked about injections and the Pill and the surgery and the ring and the diaphragm (ugh) and the little implanted chip thing, and she nixed all of those.

No, she said, the thing you need is...

The Sponge.

The way she explained it sounded extremely appealing, so I checked out this site.

At first it freaked me out--

I'll do it wrong and the buggers'll get in! I thought. Or, I'll be the of the extremely fertile %15 for whom it just won't work!

But the more I think about it, the more I like it.

It still bugs the hell out of me that I have to do ANYTHING, though. I'm lazy and I want sex to be spontaneous.

But I suppose I'd probably forget to take the Pill at the same time every day.

The Sponge it is.

(Actually, I probably WOULD screw it up. The Patch looks nice enough..)


la petite dévergondée said...

oh my god, THE SPONGE! whatever you do, do not use the sponge.

firstly, the margin for error is so huge! When I first started using them, I got a yeast infection AND a bladder infection. not too sexy. as far as being spontaneous, yes that helps but you can only have sex up to 3 times for each sponge and you can keep it in for a max of 24 hours. its so horrible! it gets stuck very easily, you can feel this discomfort kind of filling inside, its so odd.

also the shot is horrid, i bled for a month after getting and when I got my period back after 4 1/2 months, I was in such agony with cramping and extreme hell-blood I went to the ER.

just some words from a fellow blog femme...cuz its sexy you know. lol

good luck with your choices though. (:

-la petite

kanelmus said...

Thank you for the review! It's nice to know what real people think of it. Although now I'm confused. =P 50% say it's great; 50% say THE HORROR.

I'm thinking of the Patch...but we'll see. By the time I have to choose, maybe there'll be something better around. Here's hoping.