Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I actually have something to write about now.

(By the way, I broke up with "The Boyfriend." The long distance thing was not working out at all. Suffice to say he's now a dick and I am dating the delectable "Mon Homme.")

I might play catch-up for a while with my posts, but there will eventually be current events to blog about.

In the meantime, I give you more tutoring in foreign indelicacies, from the languages English and Esperanto:


  • Quim: a vulgar, but not harsh, term for female genitalia. Origin: Scotland.
  • Snatch: vagina. Less offensive than "cunt."


  • Amori: to make love/have sex.
  • Fingrumi: to masturbate. From "fingro" (finger).
  • Kojonoj: testicles.
  • Onani: to jerk off (yourself).
  • Onanigi: to jerk off (someone else).
  • Seksumi: to fuck/copulate.

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